The Short variation: In 1954, Dr. George King got a message from as yet not known askin him to take serenity to the world and expand mans knowledge of the universe. The guy established a nonprofit organization known as Aetherius Society to share the theories of an otherworldly intelligence which help open-minded people set about a journey of religious awakening. For a long time, the culture provides gathered positive power from numerous followers and friends who worry profoundly about putting some globe a more loving location. If this humanitarian purpose speaks towards beliefs, you can study simple tips to offer the reason through getting associated with a local section in america, the UK, Canada, Australian Continent, Japan, Sweden, alongside nations global. From regular prayer periods to annual pilgrimages, The Aetherius culture taps into a cosmic understanding and religious power that will be beyond perception.


Love is a mysterious energy for the universe. Love connects people, motivates steps, and gives meaning to scores of life. While we may well not always comprehend it, love is necessary about what it indicates are real and what it ways to be alive. Richard Lawrence, the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius community for Europe, compared love to drinking water in another of their sermons: “equally life as you may know it on the planet could not exist without water, absolutely nothing in universe could occur without love.”

The Aetherius community is actually a longstanding religious organization based around religious comprehension and humanitarian acts. Members of the community have confidence in an increased contacting to provide mankind by gathering and broadcasting positive power. In 1955, a visionary pilates master known as Dr. George King established the intercontinental spiritual culture after the guy was given telepathic communications from a higher alien intelligence. The guy thought it was their obligation to share the being’s upbeat information of compassion, serenity, and really love.

These days, The Aetherius Society has actually a presence in London, L. A., and several metropolitan areas across the world. Their people often come together to distribute enjoying and therapeutic electricity in their communities and throughout the world. If you believe interested in this sacred goal, you can check-out a lecture, attend a pilgrimage, or get involved in additional recovery rituals of the nonprofit organization. Everyone else, regardless of their particular background or philosophy, is thank you for visiting get involved in The Aetherius culture’s initiatives, enhance their religious comprehension, and locate a greater purpose in life.

“From the get-go, our very own primary tenet has been solution to the world,” said the Reverend Oscar E. León on the Aetherius culture. “We’re here to attempt to send just as much large spiritual power to the world while we can.”

Dr. George King Founded the Religious Movement in 1955

In May 1954, an email concerned Dr. George King, who had been a grasp of pilates and a trance average, while he was in his dull in London. A gentle, yet company, voice outside their body considered him: “get ready! You happen to be in order to become the voice from the Interplanetary Parliament.”

Now, George had never heard about an interplanetary parliament, nevertheless ethereal words kept him stunned. The guy knew he hadn’t thought all of them, but he couldn’t fathom whatever they implied. The guy spent with the rest of their life trying to appreciate the plan established by that prophetic first get in touch with. Although he could not explain exactly why, the guy said the guy realized without question he were called by an alien and strong force to greatly help deliver humankind right back from the edge of deterioration.

By growing his religious understanding and forging telepathic stations, George heard a number of other emails from extraterrestrial communicators, such as a Venusian Master called the Aetherius, which is a Greek word meaning tourist through the ether.

George officially began The Aetherius community in 1955. Their purpose was to spread the lessons of this alien gods and lead others down a path of enlightenment and peace. The business has since grown into a global movement encompassing countless souls centered on residing and adoring on an increased spiritual degree.

You can read the amazing tale of Dr. George King’s existence work here. As George themselves mentioned, “I do maybe not ask the unbeliever to think at once, but only demand which he is applicable what Aetherius says to his very own cause.”

Discover Healing & factor on Pilgrimages to Holy Mountains

What links people in The Aetherius community with each other is actually a solid, heartfelt want to help others and work out globally an improved spot. Folks from all areas of life, from Quakers to atheists, navigate towards the Aetherius Society. “Our users result from variable backgrounds and with numerous degrees of spiritual growth,” Oscar stated, “even so they all express the interior understanding or urge becoming of spiritual service to everyone.”

The entity in question makes it simple for beginners to have involved by inviting them to go to divine solutions or prayer traditions. All week long, members can submerge by themselves in sermons, lectures, courses, and spiritual undertakings on the community. It is possible to look up events online and discover the truth when your regional chapter convenes. The informative and friendly environment motivates both women and men to get involved in the visualizations, mantras, and prayers concentrated on fostering globe tranquility.

“It really is all extremely good,” Oscar told you. “There is a lot of powerful prayers and practices regularly cleanse the heart and treat society.”

One of many Aetherius Society’s many time-honored traditions is the pilgrimages to holy hills that contain huge amounts of religious fuel. The business understands 19 mountains charged with enormous religious relevance. Since 1959, hundreds of people have actually traveled on hills to recharge and progress their particular spirits.

During times of situation, the Society pulls from the holy websites to produce positive fuel in to the globe to offset natural disasters, wartime dispute, political upheavals, as well as other personal catastrophes.

“anyone of every amount of advancement can go to the mountains and take part in a selfless act of service to contact the religious powers contained within it,” Oscar told us. “the feeling varies from person to person, but it is constantly really positive and uplifting. People of all faiths, or no specific faith, are this is join these pilgrimages.”

Open-Minded people provide Their knowing & Support

From Ca to Australian Continent, a huge selection of considerate individuals have come to be supporters from the Aetherius Society and discovered common soil with religious people that show similar viewpoints. Occasionally the entity in question provides even fostered dedicated intimate relationships.

Oscar told us he found his wife at an Aetherius culture event. She had been a pal of one for the people and attended a procedure electricity Prayer event because she ended up being interested in learning the community. Her authentic interest and positive attitude caught Oscar’s interest. He informed you he appreciates her capability to comprehend their philosophy and discuss his targets.

Today they’re cheerfully married and devoted to equivalent reason for marketing serenity globally. “She acknowledges the importance of offering humanity,” the guy said. “All of our relationship happens to be priceless to my personal religious development. This has been a blessing in plenty techniques.”

Through Aetherius community, many kind-hearted folks have located area and companionship. The corporation reduces obstacles between individuals and encourages linking on an increased religious airplane.

“It’s very essential currently in our background to bring men and women collectively and attain beyond borders,” Oscar said. “At the forefront of The Aetherius culture’s teachings usually we are one human race, and in addition we have to cooperate much more with one another.”

The Aetherius culture Brings Enlightenment Through Service

“adore is an all-permeating electricity, that is above mind,” Dr. George King when said in a sermon. “Simple fact is that fantastic fuel regarding the cosmos.”

Although George passed on in 1997, his crucial information lives on in The Aetherius Society. The desire to complete great, communicate love, and unite humankind drives the business ahead, now a fresh generation of spiritual individuals have stepped up to guide the culture inside the 21st 100 years.

Through normal sermons, pilgrimages, along with other holy endeavors, The Aetherius community provides furthered the spiritual journeys of hundreds of men and women all over the world. Anyone can connect with people in this area and locate value within its teachings of love, serenity, and acceptance.

“It really is a cosmic purpose, but it’s available to every person,” Oscar told all of us. “All of our users, visitors, and sympathizers share a want to provide and help heal the world through a larger cosmic knowledge of the market.”